We'd love your company for the Fourth Annual St. Vincent de Paul Walk for the Poor. St. William is again hosting the Waukesha County walk to benefit your health and the needs of the less fortunate. The date is Saturday, September 24th. The morning starts with a short Catholic Mass at 10:30 in the Vercelli House at the parish, 440 N. Moreland Blvd., Waukesha, WI.
The two mile walk should begin approximately 11:00 a.m. There will be a bounty of delicious and nourishing refreshments at the walk's conclusion courtesy of Catholic Financial Life -- and the Branch 40 team.
If you're interested in volunteering, we could use help getting the word out to walkers and sponsors.
If you're interested in walking to help Waukesha County's less fortunate you could contact one of us by leaving a message at 262-547-2763, extension 204; by registering through the website; or just show up at St. Williams on September 24th. Thank you very much!